How can we help you
Have you been looking for a Houston dentist who offers clarity braces but can’t seem to find the right information? You’ve come to the right page! We’ve answered all there is to know, so read through our page to learn about clarity braces in Houston.
If your teeth are not as attractive as you would like and you’re feeling self-conscious, you might think your best option is to keep your mouth shut as much as possible. A better idea might be to visit your orthodontist in Houston at Antoine Dental. Our Houston orthodontic experts offer several treatment options to fit your individual needs, and your bright new smile will do wonders to improve self-confidence.
Metal braces that guide your teeth into proper position could be the answer for you. Or perhaps a child with misaligned teeth may be helped by regular checks and adjustments. Most children should have a complete orthodontic evaluation by the time they are seven. An uncomfortable bite can affect proper chewing and even speech at a young age.
What are clarity braces?
For a more discreet treatment experience, ceramic braces use tooth-colored materials for the brackets. Clarity braces are a kind of orthodontic treatment that uses aligners instead of wires and brackets to straighten teeth. Made by 3m Unitech, these braces are pre-pasted, pre-vacuum-packed, and pre-sterilized.
A Houston orthodontic expert will carefully and individually plan your treatment process at your first appointment. Of course, good dental hygiene is essential as you proceed throughout treatment, so you should follow your dentist’s instructions precisely.
Ceramic braces vs. Traditional braces? What’s the differences?
Ceramic and traditional braces help realign and straighten your teeth. The only difference is that ceramic, or clarity braces, are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.
Do clear braces cost more?
The price of your orthodontic treatment all depends on the estimated time you will have braces on. Because of the amount of time of your treatment, the total amount might be higher than expected. Clarity braces on average cost between $4,000 and $8,000 which is higher than the average price for traditional braces. The best way to find out the price for your orthodontic treatment is to schedule an appointment and have one of our experts evaluate the status of your smile.
Contact us
Whatever your age, whatever the condition of your teeth, a consultation with the Houston orthodontic experts at Antoine Dental Center can prevent future problems and give you the bright smile you deserve. Call today at 713-955-0263, and schedule an appointment. Or visit their web site at antoinedental.com for more information.