Dental Blog in Houston, TX

How to Care for Your New Tooth: Tips from Antoine Dental Center

How to Care for Your New Tooth: Tips from Antoine Dental Center

Receiving a tooth replacement is a significant step towards restoring your smile and dental health. At Antoine Dental Center in Houston, the focus is not only on providing top-notch tooth replacement services but also on ensuring that patients know how to care for...

New Year New Benefits

New Year New Benefits

Insurance Benefits just reset!Each year, your dental insurance benefits reset each calendar year. For most insurance plans, that's January 1st. On New Years' Day, everything goes back to zero. Schedule your appointment today to use your new benefits!  New Year,...

Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

TOOLS & SUPPLIES Non-medicated orthodontic relief wax Dental floss Sterile tweezers Small, sharp clipper Q-tips Salt Interproximal brush Toothpicks Topical Anesthetic (Such as Orabase or Ora-Gel) A. Ligature The archwire is held to each bracket with a ligature,...

Oral Surgery: Post Operative Instructions

Oral Surgery: Post Operative Instructions Care of the mouth after surgery has an important effect on healing. Swelling, discomfort, slight oozing of blood, and restricted jaw movement may be expected depending on the extent and location of the surgery. These problems...

Braces: Post Operative Instructions

BRACES We do everything we can to keep our patients happy during their orthodontic treatment, and there are three things that we ask our patients to do to keep themselves happy! Brush and Floss! This is so important! Brushing and flossing can mean the difference...


CLEANING/FLUORIDE Please follow these instructions following your fluoride varnish treatment. Fluoride varnish will remain on your teeth for approximately 4-6 hours.  Please follow the guidelines below during that time only: Do not brush or floss. Avoid hot beverages....

Extraction: Post Operative Instructions

EXTRACTION: Post Operative Instructions After tooth extraction, it’s important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. That’s why we ask you to bite on a gauze pad for 45 minutes after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing...

Deep Cleaning: Post Operative Instructions

Deep Cleaning Once you head home from the office after your deep cleaning (or “periodontal root planing”), you may begin to experience some cold or heat sensitivity and gum soreness. As with most oral treatments, a small amount of bleeding is normal. To soothe...

Fillings & Crowns: Post Operative Instructions

Fillings & Crowns You may experience the following symptoms after your procedure: short, sharp, cold sensitivity gum soreness at the injection site and tissue irritation of the surrounding area, tired, sore jaw Often, these symptoms will last 1-2 weeks.  If the...

Bone Graft Surgery: Post Surgery Instructions

Bone Graft Surgery You have just had surgery completed for the reduction of periodontal pocketing and/or for replacement of bone in an area where pathology existed, or in conjunction with endosseous dental implant surgical placement with or without platelet addition...

Root Canal: Post Surgery Instructions

ROOT CANAL Apicoectomy (Root Canal Surgery): 1- Swelling, minor pain and/or skin discoloration may be experienced following the surgical procedure. This will be temporary. 2- In order to keep the swelling to a minimum, use an ice pack for the first few hours after...

Denture Delivery: Post Instructions

Denture Delivery: 1- You will experience some discomfort with any new denture for a few days. All new dentures need several adjustments to completely and comfortably fit your mouth. 2- You should take the dentures out every night and keep them in a clean container...

Gum Surgery: Instructions After Surgery

Gum Surgery: 1- You may experience some pain, swelling, and bleeding after the surgery. 2- Take all medication that was prescribed for you according to instructions. 3- Apply an ice bag on your face over the surgical site on the day of surgery for 10 minutes on and 5...

Instructions after Implant Surgery

Instructions after Implant Surgery Do not rinse your mouth vigorously during the first 24 hours after surgery. If given a prescription for Chlorhexidine (Peridex), bathe the area of surgery without rinsing for 2 minutes after breakfast and before bedtime with ½ of a...

PERIODONTAL: Instructions after Periodontal Surgery

Instructions after Periodontal Surgery A periodontal dressing may have to be placed in your mouth. It is comparable to the surgical dressing used in other types of operations and should not be disturbed. The periodontal pack will become semi-rigid within a few hours....


General Pre-operative Instructions Eat breakfast and lunch on the day of surgery. Take all medications as directed that you would normally used for other medical reasons. Be sure Dr. Kong is aware of all medications you have taken in the preceding 24 hours....

Commitments for Orthodontic Success

Successful orthodontic treatment depend on teamwork between the patient and the practice. We will do everything in our power to ensure that your treatment porceeds smoothly and on schedule. For optimal treatment result, we need your cooperation. Orthodontic Treatment...

Dr. Rosecler Marmentini DDS | Orthodontist in Houston, Tx

Dr. Rosecler Marmentini DDS | Orthodontist in Houston, Tx

Who is Rosecler Marmentini? Rosecler Marmentini is an Orthodontist in Houston and specializes in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. What is Dr. Marmentini's Education and Experience? Dr. Marmentini completed the Orthodontic Post-Graduate Residency program at...

Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQs our dentists get asked by patients

Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQs our dentists get asked by patients

When a patient is advised to have their wisdom teeth removed, he/she may be wondering what the process will entail. Our dentists at Antoine Dental Center want you to know that it's common for people to have questions about what happens during and after surgery. We've...

Postoperative Instructions

POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONSWound Care Bite firmly on gauze that has been placed for the next 2 hours, then remove it gently. Place more as needed and keep in place for minimum of 2 hours. Do not change the gauze too often. Do not peek. Do not smoke for 72 hours because...

Single Missing Teeth: Your Options for Treatment

A missing tooth is a serious isssue. It can cause long-term damage to facial structure, bone density and your ability to feel confident in your smile. Antoine Dental Center has several options available to fix your missing tooth.Option 1: Do Nothing If you choose to...

Digital Dentistry: the future of dentistry

Because of the advancement of digital dentistry, appointments with your dental specialist are now faster, more reliable, more convenient, and safer than ever before.  At Antoine Dental Center, we use revolutionary dental technology to help us identify and interpret...

Arriving For Your Appointment 2.1

August 2021 UpdateThank You We want to start by thanking all patients for your patience and cooperation as we adjust to the changes in our life caused by COVID-19 When You Arrive Do I Need To Wait in My Vehicle? Although we have not expanded our reception room seating...

What is preventive action?

What is preventive action?

What is preventive action? Every time you put on a mask, wash your hands after coming home from the grocery store, or choose to socially distance, you are taking preventive action against COVID-19. Taking small steps now means you have a better chance of avoiding the...

5 ways to help your kids have healthy teeth

5 ways to help your kids have healthy teeth

The thought of your child contracting a disease probably scares you as a parent. This is because the sound health of your children is the key to your happiness. When it comes to the health of kids, the slightest sickness can turn serious. This is why you must ensure...

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

What Are Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth or the third morals are the last teeth to come all the way through. They are the last set of morals which grows at the four corners of the mouth. Usually, you get third morals in your teens or early twenties. It is not always...

Dentures: Everything you need to know

Dentures: Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know about what dentures are and whether they are right for you What are dentures? Dentures are prosthetic teeth that are used to replace either all or some of your missing teeth. Dentures that replace all your teeth are called complete...

How to find the Best Dentist in Houston

How to find the Best Dentist in Houston

With so many different dental offices, finding the best dentist in Houston is not always easy. If you want to find a dentist who is good at what they do and who you will feel confident going to, then it's time to look at the internet. We don’t want to toot our own...

Fact or Fiction? Root Canals in Houston

Fact or Fiction? Root Canals in Houston

You probably cringe when you hear the words root canal. Root canals are often associated with pain, illness, and infection. In reality, root canal therapy is often a pain-free and quick procedure. With this being such a common procedure with over 14 million being...

How to Keep My Gums Healthy

How to Keep My Gums Healthy

How do I know if I have healthy or unhealthy gums? Healthy gums are pain-free, firm, and pink. Unhealthy gums, on the other hand, might be red or swollen, or might appear to be receding—that is, pulling away from the teeth. If you notice that your gums bleed when you...

Tooth Sensitivity: Diagnosis and Treatment

Tooth Sensitivity: Diagnosis and Treatment

Everyone’s teeth are sensitive to some degree; many people refrain from biting into ice cream, for example, because it’s just a little too cold to enjoy eating it that way. Tooth sensitivity exists on a spectrum, however, and it can quickly edge into outright...

How to achieve the smile of your dreams

How to achieve the smile of your dreams

Do you avoid smiling in photographs? Do you feel self-conscious when you open your mouth? Are you disappointed when you catch sight of your teeth in the mirror? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. Surveys have found that around 65% of...

Smile Statistics & Trivia

Smile Statistics & Trivia

See if you can guess what our facts and trivia are about from this riddle! “It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.” If you guessed a...

Safeguarding Your Oral Health – Why Now?

Safeguarding Your Oral Health – Why Now?

Maintaining your gum and dental health as well as helping safeguard your overall health is more important than ever. In accordance with state and federal guidelines, Antoine Dental Center is reopening to serve the greater Houston community and protect your oral...

Dental Emergency Guide 101: ER vs Emergency Dentistry

Dental Emergency Guide 101: ER vs Emergency Dentistry

If you’ve ever experienced a dental emergency, then you know that they are never fun!  Unfortunately, painful dental issues can often happen when your dentist's office is closed - which makes the situation scary, as well as painful. You don’t know what to do or who to...

Houston Emergency Dentist: More Important Than Ever

Houston Emergency Dentist: More Important Than Ever

Emergency Dentist in Houston You can’t plan when you have a dental emergency. This is why our Houston emergency dentist stay open throughout the week and even on the weekends. With Houston following a stay at home order, many businesses have shut down. We are still...

Arriving For Your Appointment

Arriving For Your Appointment

WelcomeWe are here for you as we adjust to the changes in our life caused by COVID-19. At Antoine Dental Center we continue to focus on the well being of our patients and staff so we have implemented the following changes: When You Arrive We Will Ask You To: Remain in...

Is It Safe to Visit the Dentist?

Is It Safe to Visit the Dentist?

We are all highly anxious about the Coronavirus - and so we wanted to alert you that protecting your oral hygiene right now is an important way to stay safer and help stop the spread of COVID 19.   For this reason, we at Antoine Dental Center are choosing to remain...

Missing Teeth? Get Dental Implants!

Missing Teeth? Get Dental Implants!

Dental implants are an amazing way to replace missing teeth. Let’s talk about how implants work, what the best ways to maintain them are, and what happens if you don’t. Please feel free to contact our Houston, TX dental office if you have any additional questions or...

An Extreme Smile Makeover For The New Year | Houston, TX

An Extreme Smile Makeover For The New Year | Houston, TX

Every year, we treat patients who are in some way embarrassed or ashamed about their smile. We love using various cosmetic dentistry procedures to completely change the appearance of their smile. We’ve found that a smile makeover doesn’t just benefit someone’s oral...

Quick Relief for TMJ Disorders and Bruxism in Houston, TX

Quick Relief for TMJ Disorders and Bruxism in Houston, TX

If you are suffering from a TMJ disorder or bruxism, you know it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep. At Antoine Dental Center in Houston, TX, we’re proud to offer custom mouth guards for grinding teeth. A custom mouth guard (often called a TMJ mouth guard) is an...

Dental Phobia and Anxiety: Relief with Sedation Dentistry | Houston

Dental Phobia and Anxiety: Relief with Sedation Dentistry | Houston

Do you suffer from dental phobia (also known as dental anxiety and dental fear)? Are you frightened about dental visits? If so you’re not alone. In fact many people are so afraid to go to the dentist, that they cancel appointments  - or don’t schedule them in the...

Don’t Let a Toothache Steal Christmas | Houston, TX

Don’t Let a Toothache Steal Christmas | Houston, TX

Don’t let a toothache keep you down! At the Antoine Dental Center in Houston, TX, we take great pride is our restorative dentistry treatments. No matter how often you brush and floss your teeth, it’s still possible to experience tooth decay. Almost all adults will...

Finding The Right Orthodontist in Houston

Hey there Houston! Welcome back to the ongoing dental health blog of the Antoine Dental Center. A couple days ago, we published a blog post about Invisalign. We briefly mentioned that although Invisalign is an effective option for many adults, not everyone is a...

Finding the Right General Dentistry Services in Houston, TX

Finding the Right General Dentistry Services in Houston, TX

Happy holidays Houston! Welcome back to ongoing dental health blog of the Antoine Dental Center. We hope the holidays are a time of joy for you, filled with food, friends, and memories. However, we understand that holidays can an extremely busy time of the year....

Answering Your Questions About Invisalign in Houston, TX

Answering Your Questions About Invisalign in Houston, TX

Greetings Houston! Welcome back to the ongoing dental health blog of the Antoine Dental Center. We hope you’re ready for the holidays! There’s a festive atmosphere in the air that we really enjoy. As we mentioned in our last post, we love the holidays because it seems...

Types of Dental Implants: Houston Specialist

Types of Dental Implants: Houston Specialist

We at Antoine Dental Center Dental Center are very excited to share happy stories of patients who come to us for dental implants. After all, we love to see smiles on the faces of our patients. And we recognize that if you’re missing teeth, it can be embarrassing to...

How a Dental Cleaning Saves Money

How a Dental Cleaning Saves Money

Getting a dental cleaning can save you money because it’s a small cost which saves you from preventable, expensive dental problems down the road. Learn the true value of dental cleaning cost here in this article. Since you were a kid, you’ve been told that seeing a...

Prioritize a Dental Appointment While Pregnant

Prioritize a Dental Appointment While Pregnant

You are expecting? Congratulations! We are so happy for you and your family. The addition of a new life is a very exciting thing, and everyone has their own opinions about how you should be taking care of yourself and the baby. You probably weren’t expecting to get...

Why Cutting Candy Isn’t Enough, Part 2

Why Cutting Candy Isn’t Enough, Part 2

In our previous post, we began the discussion of the dangers of sugar. Knowing just how damaging sugar can be is only half of the battle. Once you understand how you and your family are at risk, you have to make some tough decisions.So, What Can Be Done? In order to...

Why Cutting Candy Isn’t Enough, Part 1

Why Cutting Candy Isn’t Enough, Part 1

When thinking about your oral health, you probably remember how often you’ve been told not to eat too much candy of your teeth will rot out. Just about everyone has been told that at some point in their lives, and so we generally know not to eat too much candy. There...

Allow Sedation to Transform Your Experience

Allow Sedation to Transform Your Experience

As a general rule, people do not like going to the dentist. It’s not really much fun to hold your mouth open for an extended period of time while someone pokes, prods, and scrapes your teeth. Not to mention the fear that they will find something wrong, and you will...

The Trouble With Dentures

The Trouble With Dentures

Missing teeth are a pain, both literally and figuratively. Once one goes, it seems as though all of the others just follow right along, and pretty soon, you are completely toothless! The most popular (and least expensive) option to replace your teeth is to get a pair...

Is Extraction Best for Your Smile? Maybe Not!

Is Extraction Best for Your Smile? Maybe Not!

Tough decisions come to us in all shapes and forms. In many cases, we simply don’t know the answer, and so we rely on the experts to point us in the right direction. We ask doctors, specialists, and professionals to give us their best advice, but can we trust that...

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry in Houston, TX

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry in Houston, TX

Is there a problem with your teeth that you really don’t like? Are they cracked, misshapen, discolored or broken? Or maybe they're unevenly spaced? You hate this part of your appearance and it makes you embarrassed to smile. Perhaps you’ve even considered cosmetic...

Early Detection of Oral Cancer in Houston, TX

Hello, Houston. Today we want to take a moment to talk about a fairly somber subject. Oral cancer can strike without warning; it can take your life, or disfigure your face. But when it’s caught early, your chance of survival rises significantly. We screen for this...

Finding The Perfect Dentures in All of Houston, TX

Finding The Perfect Dentures in All of Houston, TX

Are your dentures keeping you from smiling? Are they ill-fitting or uncomfortable?Dentures are sometimes called false teeth. But they don’t have to look and function like a set of haphazard false teeth; if you get your dentures from a reliable dental office. Find...

Help! I Need a Tooth Removed in Houston, TX

Help! I Need a Tooth Removed in Houston, TX

Have you been told you need to get a tooth removed, and the prospect of such simply terrifies you? If so, you’re not alone. Whether it be impacted wisdom teeth, or a tooth decayed or injured beyond the point of repair, there are many reasons to need to have a tooth...

Feel Like a King With a Dental Crown: Houston Specialist

Feel Like a King With a Dental Crown: Houston Specialist

You can feel like a king with a dental crown or bridge from Antoine Dental Center in Houston, TX. If you’re missing a tooth or have a broken tooth, you may feel funny when you smile. This can make you far less confident in the workplace, destroy your self-esteem on...

A Guide To Tooth Decay Prevention in Houston, TX

A Guide To Tooth Decay Prevention in Houston, TX

Tooth decay can be extremely painful. A toothache can just completely ruin your day. But decay can do more than hurt; it can rot away your teeth, leaving you embarrassed to smile. The really scary thing about tooth decay is that most people don’t even notice it until...

Are You Having Unexplainable Headaches?

Are You Having Unexplainable Headaches?

If you often have headaches, there’s a few questions you should ask yourself. Does your jaw hurt? Or does it click when you you chew food? Pain in your jaw can lead to headaches, migraines, and even facial pain. You don’t have to live with that pain. At the Antoine...

Houston Dental Office Adds Female General Dentist

HOUSTON, TEXAS – A leading dental practice in Houston is adding another dentist to its professional and caring team. Dr. Jasmine Naderi is a general dentist skilled in all aspects of dentistry. She recently joined the staff at Antoine Dental Center, which includes...



What’s your biggest fear in life? Many people would answer spiders, heights, failure, or even public speaking. Statistically speaking, in a room full of Americans, one or two would probably say the dentist. Even if visiting the dentist isn’t your biggest fear in life,...



Do you think you’re too old for Traditional Braces? Sure, there’s some misaligned teeth and gaps in your smile you’d like to fix. But does the idea of committing to two years of metal in your mouth make you uneasy? Maybe you’re fearful about the idea of walking into...

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